Invitation to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count
Every year in February more than 160,000 persons of all ages participate in the worldwide Great Backyard Bird Count!
The GBBC is the first online citizen science project (it started in 1998 in America) and has been producing extremely valuable scientific data. With these data, scientists can better understand how environmental changes (climate change, urbanisation etc) influence the populations of birds and their migrations. At the same time, it is a joyful activity and positive experience for the observers!
Ornithopolis invites you to participate by observing and recording the birds in your garden, in a park or anywhere in your neighbourhood during the days of 15-18 February. With the help of our Bird identification guide fill in the observation sheet, and subsequently return the sheet to the Ornithopolis team or directly enter your observations into the iNaturalist online platform.