
The Ornithopolis team will be in the South Park in Patras on 17 March 2019 (16:30 - 18:00). We'll bring binoculars and a telescope. The weather seems good, so we'll be waiting for you at the path near the water, opposite the children's playground.

The Ornithopolis team will be in the Dassylio in Patras next Sunday, 17.2.19, 16:30 for birdwatching! Come along and we'll show you the birds of our city!  We will meet in front of the cafeteria and then take a stroll through the forest.

Every year in February more than 160,000 persons of all ages participate in the worldwide Great Backyard Bird Count!

The Ornithopolis team will be in the South Park in Patras next Sunday, 27.1.19, 11:00 for birdwatching! Come along and we'll show you the birds of our city! 

The first information event of Ornithopolis at the Zoological Museum was a success! Visitors were informed about the museum and the exhibition, obtained a free guide to the most common birds of Patras and could discuss with the Ornithopolis team about citizen science and birdwatching in Patras

Hoping to see you all at our next event!

