
The Ornithopolis team will be in the Zoological Museum of the University of Patras (building of Biology) during the following dates:

Saturday 19 January 2019, 3 pm to 6 pm

We are happy to present our small field guide to bird observations in Patras [in Greek only].  It contains descriptions and images of the most common birds in Patras and lots of tips on how to correctly observe and re

The Ornithopolis team went with students to Aigio for birdwatching at the lagoon / saltpans. [Photos: Olga Tzortzakaki & Dimitris Papandropoulos]


The first public bird walk of "Ornithopolis" was a great success! Thanks to everyone - adults and kids - for their interest and enthusiasm! The next seminar will be announced soon!


We invite you to participate in the first guided bird walk of Ornithopolis in Patras.  This is a chance to get to know those citizens that fly around us every day!
When: Sunday, 25th November 2018, 10:45
